If you do not believe there is a spiritual world, you may not be ready for this message today. But I know I have a word for someone out there, because they are wondering what is wrong with them and how to get out of it.
I actually had a whole note ready for y’all about forgiveness, and the power of forgiveness and what it can bring you. However, I may take a slight turn and share what the power of UNFORGIVENESS, can bring you.
Unforgiveness is allowing evil spirits to sit within you and operate. 😳 Wait a minute and I’ll explain.
Unseen demonic enemies can attach to people, traumas, blood lines, and open doors.
Let’s say you went through a traumatic experience and your traumatized (maybe it was a car accident, bad relationships, etc) At some point you come into agreement with a spirit, like the spirit of fear or anxiety, and you have now given that spirit permission to be a squatter through an open door. Meaning, through a moment of ignorance you have now allowed them the opportunity to reside within you and attach themselves to you.
Yes Christian’s, you can be effected. Just because you believe in Jesus doesn’t mean you didn’t open the door for them to enter. That open door comes through ways like bitterness or unforgiveness, fear, etc.
Satan is a stalker yall. He waits and waits for the minute you slip and he can call on his evil minions and say “Hey y’all, we got a door open come on in” – and then ALLLLLLLL the squatters come around to stay and live. The spirit of fear, the spirit of anxiety, the spirit of brokenness, the spirit of rejection.
There is a lot of things that y’all aren’t confronting and it’s not necessarily the routine that needs changing or the relationship that needs changing, it’s the spirit that has attached itself to an area of your life. And by not healing the wounded part of your life, you are allowing a door way for more spirits to enter into you.
Remember how I said spirits were like squatters? If one squatter finds an empty building and tells a friend, before you know it you could have a whole community living there. Read Matthew 12:43-45.
Ever find yourself being offended? All the time? The spirit of offense. Why in the heck do you think the Bible told you to forgive 70×7?! Because you gotta LET 👏🏼 IT 👏🏼 GO 👏🏼. You gotta get rid of the door you allowed the spirit permission to enter in.
A few weeks ago I told y’all to forgive and find peace. To let go of the hate, resentment, etc and move forward with your life and you’re still feeling stuck. Maybe you thought you forgave them but clearly you didn’t because the sheer thought of what happened in that traumatic event is still stinging your soul AND it is now pooling into other areas of your life.
Forgive us our debts as we forgive our indebtors, and lead us not into temptation but you will DELIVER US FROM EVIL. Do you realize – truly the power of what is being said there? If not, read it again.
Forgiveness is not weakness, it is a weapon. Forgiveness isn’t for the other person, it’s for YOU hunny. Forgiveness is your freedom, it’s your peace. Holding and harboring the hatred is only allowing the evil spirits to set up their tent. Heck they may even buy a couch and tv at this point because they know, “well this guy ain’t letting go anytime soon so we just have a place to stay” or “this girl can hold a grudge her whole life so maybe we will luck out and we can just hop from one generation to the next.”
Oh you didn’t realize that? Whatever spirits you hold onto get passed to your children? And their children? What did you think a generational curse was? It is an evil spirit that has not been dealt with.
More so, if there’s an inability in your life for you to honor your mother and father (because of a wound that has been unhealed) as is says to do in Ephesians 6, do you realize that you could be causing ill favor in your life? Because you’re keeping the wound open….
I’ll keep going on this.. I feel a bigger series is going to be developed.
For now – When I encourage you to forgive, I mean it. I’ve lived it. I speak from experience, I know the pain you are feeling. I know the torture, in ALL aspects.
I believe forgiveness leads to peace, and finding the true purpose you were put on this earth for.